Number 9

What is Number 9?


A term to reference a black person, since the number 9 in the crayola box is the color black.

There sure are a whole lot of number 9s around.

See nigger, swoog, darkie, whitey


1. A person who is an overly fat mess of outrageous proportions

2. Eating a shit ton of fast food in one sitting or eating at several different fast food restaurants in one day.

Everyone knows a number 9 and if they say they don't then chances are that they in fact are a number 9 and they should accept it and move on with life.

See number, 9, shesh, n


Known by college students fondly as the shit you have to take the morning after a night of drinking lots of beers

::the next morning:: oh dude i need to take a number 9 real bad!

See party, shit, college, memories, toilet


A random word used to say "what a dumb arse"!

Teacher: What mood are you feeling today?

Student: Today I am feeling a bit idiotic...

Cool kids out the back: Oh man...number 9 fo shizzle!

See idiotic, dumbarse


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