
What is Num-num's?


Similar to "Noms" but used for sweet things like Ice Cream or Candy.

All your Num-Num's are belong to me!

See num-num's, num, nom, num num, om nom, omnomnom, candy, sweets, sweet, candies


1.) Brownies or any other chocolatey subtance that can be injested through the mouth with the occasional patch of cookie dough smeared on the bottom of the pan.

2.) (When used as a verb) Num-Numming The act of creating the most delicious and filling bronwies ever to be created ever.

Noun: While watching jack play golf with his dad, we ate a healthy dose of Num-Num's to stop our histerical laughter.

Verb: The two best buds (Trevor and Spencer) were num-numming in the kitchen when they came up with the devious idea to add cookie mix into the brownie ingredients.

See brownies, brown sugar


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