
What is Nurtured?



This is a given modification towards someone who is blessed in a certain skill and does not work hard to obtain this level of skill. When used, it normally carries strong negative connotations, because the exclamation, that the called person does not work hard and has other members (such as family) to help them improve their skill, is being made.


The word originates from the lingo of genetics, which explains the environment's provision of support for the life of organisms.


Person1: "I got excellence in Maths!"

Person2: "Shut up, you are just nurtured."

Person1: "...But I got top marks!"

Person3: "Keep quite, we all know your rich daddy hires the best tutors and wastes them on you."


Nerd1: "Any idea how these pig-type beings encompass wings and have mastered the ability of aviation?"

Nerd2: "Well, I have come to very a definite conclusion. The dense air in the environment region is opium for wing development and flight..."

Nerd1: "Your statement is agreeable; indeed, the environmental conditions provided a nurtured environment for aviation."

See geek, awesome, nerd, lucky, skill, easy


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