Nut Ball

What is Nut Ball?


A game where two or more males stand some distance apart on a hard, flat surface and take turns bouncing a tennis ball at each others nuts. The ball may be thrown as hard as desired but it must bounce at least once before striking the nuts. The target may not move or impede the ball in any way, the penalty for doing so is another attempt by the thrower. Women are sometimes allowed to play but a handicap such as reduced clothing or standing closer to allow a good pelvic bone shot.

Let's get drunk and play some Nut Ball


a game played in which 2 or more male players wear only jock straps and sit on the floor legs stratled. they take turns throwin a ball (this cna be any ball) at eachother nuts. the ball must be lobbed, no chicking. the person gettin hit must not obstruct the path of the ball.

did you see that episode of jackass where they played nut ball, that must have hurt

See the cheat


an object which represents the start of a task

i'm gonna be a millionaire once i get this damn nut ball moving


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