Nut Rag

What is Nut Rag?


Something used to catch semen after you have ejaculated (washcloth; tissue; toilet paper; old sock; dirty underwear; etc).

I couldn't find my nut rag under my bed so I had to walk to the bathroom with jizz all over myself.


A small towel that is used for wiping the post intercourse fluids from the male or female genitalia, breast, face or ass.


The one rag you will never wash with regular clothes.

I think I'll wash my nut rag. Naw, I'll just throw it away and get another one.


Rag that you use to to clean up your nutt after you finished jackin off.

It was so long since I last came, my nut rag was sokin wet after I got done.


a person that is such an asshole that he deserves to be sprayed with seamen.

You stole the last donut, you nut rag!


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