Nutty Buddy

What is Nutty Buddy?


When you rub peanut butter all over your balls and have a dog lick it off.

Hey did you see Rich and his dog Buddy on Letterman last night? He performed a 'Nutty Buddy' on 'Stupid Pet Tricks.'

See nutty butty, dog, peanut butter, letterman, pet, tricks


a little debbie cake with two wafer sticks containing peanut butter and chocolate

you: ayo let me get a nutty buddy

other: nah u can get a oatmeal cake

See nutty buddy, cake, snack, pie, sweets


The new term for "friends with benefits".

Donald and I are nutty buddy's

See friend, booty call, secret lover


most extreme athletic supporter in the world. The ultimate protection u deserve

the boss- 8====D

the hog- 8========D

el jefe- 8=================D

George has a nutty buddy. You should too!!:)

See cup, protector, jock, strap, kornas, companion


someone you have an orgasm with

we both reached orgasm together , she is my nutty buddy

See partner, girlfriend, boyfriend, sex partner


a fart that slips between your sweaty sack and your thigh leaving a feeling that feels like a bubble came through your crotch

damn dude what's that smell?

dude I just farted a nutty buddy

See shart, fart, stink, crap, nutsack


when you diarrhea all over your nut sack

i was laying down and shat all over my ball sack, now i have a nutty buddy

See shit, dookie, balls, sack


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