What is Nyang?
n. no clear meaning, it is a word yelled when a small object (such as a sandwich, clump of dirt, grape, etc.) is thrown at another person.
v. to throw such and object
related word is
person A: *throws apple core at B* ...NYANG!!!
person B: *dodges* what's with all the nyangage?
The raspy call of the crackhead.pronounced nyang!
A bunch of kids decide to beat a crackhead up. The kids appear behind the crack head and he lets out a "NYANG" in surprise.
a word used by many, mainly in st annes...nyang has no meaning it is a word used for those quiet moments or screeched out of sams car window to scare passers by. it can also be used in conjunction with "buh" to form an even more hillarious word "nyangabuh"