Obama Effect

What is Obama Effect?


The unique ability to simultaneously generate and harvest "Liberal Guilt" on an industrial scale and transubstantiate it into political capital,

not unlike using Jenkem as an alternative fuel source.

Most commonly seen in the self-loathing, pseudo-intellectuals of the political left who can only imagine expiation of some self-generated guilt complex by the

totally debasement and subservience of themselves, their government and culture to a melanin masterhood.

Also seen in the under 30's crowd as the final installment of the systemic breakdown of critical thinking in the education system wherein the sole reason for supporting Obama is simply the fact that he is black, no other criteria are needed. When questioned about any important campaign issues or their understanding of the "Obama Policy" on any issue, they respond by screaming that the interlocutor is a racist.

This demographic are the pawns and spawns of the foregoing who are, in turn, at best, the willing bitches of a cynical half-caste who is misanthropic enough to use them hard to further his Commie-Farrakhanista agenda.

The Obama effect can be seen at every Starbucks after school

where one will continually hear the refrain: "America needs a black president!"

See obama, politics, racial, black, idiocy, racist, election, education


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