Obama It

What is Obama It?


Verb. To steal, acquire without the owner's consent, or take. A sense of entitlement is required.

Damn dawg, I want some camping stuff. why don't we just obama it from them cracker scouts?

See steal, thief, entitlement, socialist, communist


v: To use an indulgent amount of lips when smoking from a blunt, joint, etc., usually getting the mouth piece unnecessarily wet with saliva. Could result in disgust by others on the blunt and even possibly clogging of smoke passage; new hip way of saying dick lipping or nig lipping.

Spencer: Yo are you gunna smoke that or what. Lets get it moving.

Nate: Dude chill out for a second, its all closed up at the end

Spencer: Fuck, i hate when you guys obama it.

See obama, blunt, weed, smoking


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