Obama Supporter

What is Obama Supporter?


Obama supporters

Definition: (n).

Largely anti-patriotic, weak-minded liberals who are drawn to idiotic ideals . One of the their defining factors lies in their lack of educational experience in American History 101, U.S. History 102, and 103, and Micro and Macro Econonomics. Most Obama supporters are also characterized by not knowing why they believe what they believe, often citing "the polls" or "the media'' as a valid source of information. A very denial-prone group, Obama supporters seem to over look anti-American political connections, past voting records, and presentation gaffes (an unrealistic example of this being forgetting the number of states that comprise the U.S.). When debating with an Obama supporter, words such as "change" and "hope" often commically arise (in such cases it is necessary to over-look the naivete of such utterances). In regards to "change," Obama supporters often forget that this verb can often procede in a negative direction, simply repeating what networks such as CNN or MSNBC decide is an important factor. In regards to this cultish and childish leash that is wrapped around most Obama supporters necks by main-stream media, they often focus on negativity such as denying the fact that the economy benefited 7 out of the God-given 8 years that President Bush held the whitehouse and focusing on the last year which marked a down-turn brought on by past democrat leaders such as Bill Clinton (this fact is very ironic since most Obama supporters contribute this down-turn to President Bush's spending which will be substantially greater under Obama's direction). Obama supporters also show a tendancy to take pride in weakness and insecurity, pushing for a ban on hand-held firearms and rifles (this also shows their un-constitutional nature due to 2nd amendment right violation). On their behalf, this shows much faith in human love and peace, however naive it may appear. It also gives the "lower-class" Obama claims he wants to re-distribute wealth to the chance expand black markets due to the inability of citizens to defend themselves and their neighbor hoods. Obama supporters are often associated with poor mathematical skills: Following is a "proof"

the top 1 percent of income earners pay 40 percent of the income taxes; the top 5 percent pay 60 percent; the top 10 percent pay 71 percent; the top 25 percent, 86 percent; and the top 50 percent, 97 percent

Obama claims he will give tax cuts to 95% of the population.

38% are already not paying income-taxes = do the math

In a sentence:


"Look at that Obama supporter giving his hard earned money to the government"

Synonyms: Socialists, Marxists, Lenonists, extremists

"Look at that Obama supporter giving his hard earned money to the government"

See obama, support


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