What is Obamatron?
A blind follower of Barack O'bama because of his charismatic style of speaking, without actually paying attention to the issues.
An Obamatron will go on over and over, like a robot, about O'bama healing the nation with his charismatic ability regardless of what legislative issues he stands for.
noun, 1. Overzealous supporter. 2. Surprise-attack accoster. 3. Anyone wearing more buttons than articles of clothing. 4. A bad person in support of a good person.
adv, obamatronic
"Hey, sorry I'm late for work. I was nabbed by a gaggle of obamatrons."
"The show was great, except that there was an obamatron in the front that yelled after every single word the singer said.
The robot with which the US Congress replaced the actual Obama.
While the Obamatron talks on TV, Congress is busy murdering Americans.