What is O'bgyn?
Pronunciation: O-'bi-g&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Occupational surname from ancient Hibernian obstetrics and gynecology proefssionals.
The O'Bgyn legend describes a wild creature with Queens, New York affected speech roaming the town of Newport, Rhode Island on Saint Patrick's day. Accounts have portrayed the creature as hilarious with a penchant for tequila and Thunderdome. It is theorized that the true O'Bgyn creature is of Colombian origin and undergoes a mutation at the cellular level every March 17th which manifest foul Irish traits for a duration of 24 hors.
Called also "O'rlando"
Rhode Island Jock 1: Hey brah, hand me another Natty Light.
Rhode Island Jock 2: Are you crazy? Didn't you hear there's an O'Bgyn at this bar?