Object Sexual

What is Object Sexual?


A person who deeply loves inanimate objects; also known asObjectum Sexual. Only 40 of these people are known of in the world, and all are women who are said to have found each other through the Internet. The vast majority of people who have this have a form of Asperger's, a syndrome which can inhibit social behavior. A woman in Sweden is married to the Berlin Wall, another woman from the U.S. is married to the Eiffel Tower. A facination with large-scale engineering structures seem to be common: bridges, buildings, and landmarks- i.e. the Brooklyn Bridge, and the Empire State Building.

Onlooker #1-

Why is that woman hugging and kissing the bridge?

Onlooker #2-

She is an Object Sexual and finds comfort in loving a non-human object.

Onlooker #1-

You have to be f'ing kidding me!

See objectsexual, love, inanimate object, sexual deviant, MTF


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