What is Oblication?
A "vacation" that isn't really a vacation. You have no choice. You work the whole time but when you get back to your job, everyone asks how your vacation was.
I went on a 5 day oblication to Jamie's wedding in Aruba. I was at her beck and call 24/7.
A required or expected visit to family/in-laws during your vacation time. Not exactly what would qualify as a holiday.
But would be a combined obligation/vacation.
"Are you going on vacation this summer?"
"No" he said, "I'm going on an oblication to see family who I haven't see since last year.
Taking valuable vacation time and dollars for obligatory family or friend visits. Usually oblications blow your PTO balance at work, meaning you will not have a real vacation in the foreseable future.
We didn't make it to the Carribean this year because we sent spring break on an oblication to see the in-laws.
When you spend your vacation taking your kids to visit relatives.
I didn't get a vacation, I had to take the kids on an oblication.
Taking time off work go somewhere you don't want to go to do something thoroughly unenjoyable, i.e. attending a funeral or holidays with in-laws.
Susan won't be back for another week, she's on an oblication helping her brother paint his house.