
What is Odb?


One of the Wu Tang Clan's members who has recently died. Peace.

Rest in peace Big Baby Jesus.

See Bazz


abbreviation for rap artist and wu-tang clan member 'old dirty bastard' (see also: big baby jesus, wu-tang).

have you heard the lates track from odb? man, the beat is bumpin'.


R.I.P - Huge, funny personality and one of the original members of the Wu-Tang Clan.

ODB ( Ol' Dirty Bastard) R.I.P


Old Dirty Bastard, founded of the Wu-Tang clan

ODB founed the wu-tang clan

See Matt


There are two definitions of ODB:

1. Ol' Dirty Bastard: the stage name of American rap artist Russell Tyrone Jones. Jones was a prominent member of Wu-Tang Clan and also had a successful solo career. He died in 2004 of an accidental overdose.

2. One Dirty Bitch: the stage name of female professional wrestler Jessica Kresa who currently (April 2009) performs in TNA Wrestling. The ODB gimmick is that of a crude, whiskey drinking redneck.

1. "I don't have no trouble with you fuckin' me/ But I got a little problem with you not fuckin' me" 'Got Your Money' - ODB

2. Mike Tenay: "Oh my god! ODB just crashed right into Gail Kim!"

Don West: "It backfired!"

See rapper, wrestler, pro wrestling


Old Dirty Bastard his famous song was Got Your Money.

I saw a music video by ODB Not too long ago.

See odb, old skool, rapper, old


Old Dusty Balls

A man who has gone a considerable period of time since intercourse.

usually reserved as a shouted greeting with the emphasis placed on "dusty"


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