
What is Ofact?


ofact: pronounced (oh-faakt)


1. opinionated fact. 2. a highly plausible or ultra-sound theory. 3. not exactly fact but presented as such based on strong opinion, followed by a strong argument, displayed by either a wealth of research or a reasoning in a lengthy but sound path of logic. 4. an intelligent way of stating your opinion, which has no sufficient proof, but is strongly believed it would be proven true, if given the proper research.


1. the action of applying your opinion as a (or should be a) well known fact

ofact n.-

1. The professor is quite knowledgeable on the subject but today he presented an ofact, drawing his own conclusion.

2. I know its just a theory but can you give us some ofacts on this matter.

3. Present your ofact with a sound arguement because you will be graded accordingly.

ofact v.-

1. I ofact quite scientifically, a given I might add, but I just need funding for the research.

ofacting v.-

1. He was on the news last night ofacting about his research in quantum physics.

ofactly adv.-

1. He expresses his views quite ofactly.

ofactual adj.-

That is an ofactual point, not entirely true.


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