What is Off The Heezie Phascheezie?


Ridiculous ebonic slang gone overboard. A mutation of a mutation. i.e. "off the hook" and all of the -izzle nonsense combined to make a new and extraordinarily retarded phrase.

A mild example of this sort of double mutation would be like coining the word "Wazzigga" to mean "Whazzup, Nigga?"

Dumbass1: Yo, Wazzigga!?

(Hello there. What is up, my friend?)

Dumbass2: You're Off the Heezie Phascheezie!

(I love you.)

See off the hook, off the wall, off the charts, nigga, yo


To have done good enough at something to have yourself recognized.

"Danielle gave up her swimming time to help me paint."

"That's off the Heezie Phascheezie!"


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