Oh Bob Saget!

What is Oh Bob Saget!?


Used when making a mistake, or just getting mad in general. Originates from the turretesguy video where he says "Oh Bob Saget!" several times when getting mad. The terms is so funny because Bob Saget is a very random thing to say when you get mad, and because he was a star on the show "Full House", and he now is a dirty comedian. The term "Oh Bob Saget!" is often used in place of a curse word such as sh_t, f_ck, or d_mn. Sometimes, just "Bob Saget" is used without saying "Oh" before. Can also be derived into the forms:

(Oh) Bobby,

(Oh) Bobby Saggy (rarely (Oh) Robby Saggy), and

(Oh) Robert Saget (also, on rare occasions).

No other forms of Bob/ Rob/ Robert/ Bobby/ Robby/ Sag/ Saget/ Saggy are correct, and will not be tolerated.

Other forms may be later derived after the publishing of this defintion that are approved, and will be updated.

Note: please do not make use (although one may be very tempted to) of Bob Saget's sister's name, "Gay Saget", as se has passed away. Thank you very much.

Oh Bob Saget! I just spilled my lemonade!

BOBBY (slight pause) SAGGY!... BOBBY (slight pause) SAGGY!... THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN!

See shoot, darn, dang, oh man, etc.


Coined by Tourettes Guy, in place of OH SHIT, or OH FUCK, in one of his episodes.

Tourettes Guy- *Drops his beer on the table causing it to spill* "OH BOB SAGET!!"

Tourettes Guy- *Tries to do a fancy pool trick shot and while executing the trick, the car horn is blown causing him to fuck up and only slighly hit the ball* "OH BOB SAGET!!"

Tourettes Guy- *Tries to mow the lawn while bees are attacking him, and hes going crazy flailing his 1 arm, then finally decides to run* "OH BOB SAGET!!! OH SHIT, OH DAMNIT!! SHIT!!! SHIT!!!!!" *gets indoors*

See bob saget, tourettes guy, beer, pool, bees, mowing the lawn


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