
What is Oh?


something one would say to show how much they really don't care

-omg my dog got hit by a car today, my teacher slapped me, and my boyfriend broke up with me!



A way to reply to a statement when you can't think of anything good or helpful to say back.

-I think im going to fail out of college and have to move back home.


See man, really, no way, for real, oh snap


the noise a lady makes in bed

oooooohhhhhh yes yes harder harder

See Shibby


the word that is exclaimed by pretty much everyone on The Sopranos.

Waiter: "You fucking asshole"

Paulie walnuts: "OHHH!"

*waiter gets whacked*

See gangster, sopranos, tony soprano, mafia, italian


no real definition just said in a reflex phrase

such as:

oh damn!


Oh shit!



Open House. A house in which no parental units currently occupy.The OH is notoriously used for teenagers to engage in activities of questionable legality.

Yo man i got an OH all day wanna come over and smoke weed?

See open, house, weed, ditch, fun


as in you dont care what they have to say your sick of hearing them blabber and just want them to shut the hell up

"dude help me out seriously, stop sittin around"


See k, shup, whatever, alright, shutup


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