What is Oh My Eighties Sitcom?
-Also called OMES.
"Oh my eighties sitcom!" is a term meaning "oh my god!"
However, OMES is usually said when something mind-numbingly sweet or heroic happens, derived from eighties' sitcoms which almost always had a happy ending, or good ultimately triumphs over evil.
Can also be used to express sarcasm.
Star Trek: The Next Generation is a good example of OMES, where Picard almost always finds a way to ultimately defeat the bad guy... but that's another story altogether.
Trixie: It was so sweet... Rob asked Ellie out after having a crush on her for three whole weeks!
Delaney: Oh My Eighties Sitcom!
Sammy: And then, at the last minute, Mary Sue managed to save the day!
Lizzie: OMES...