Oh My God, Japan!

What is Oh My God, Japan!?


We like stuff from Japan. Bleach, Naruto, Street Fighter, Dance Dance Revolution, Pocky, and the Playstation 2.

There are however, times when we see things from The Land of the Rising Sun that will simply NEVER come to the States because of the risk of that thing having controversial properties, or the risk of it not selling. Some of these things we want or wouldn't mind having here. However, a sizable amount of these things have opinions ranging from "thing of the year" to "UNSEEEEEEEE!!!!" to "wat" "stupid acid flashback" Things in this category I find have been reacted to with, simply, "Oh. My. God. JAPAN!"

Muscle March... Oh my God, JAPAN!.... Eh... YouTube it. You'll... Understand.

See japan, oh my god


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