What is Ohioan?
An Ohioan:
-Knows all 4 seasons by heart: Winter, Still Winter, Almost Winter and
-Lives less than 30 miles from some college or university.
-Knows what a buckeye really is
-Knows if other Ohioians are from southern or northern Ohio as soon as
they open their mouths.
-Can spell words like Cuyahoga, Olentangy, Bellefontaine, Tuscarawas, Wapakoneta and knows which letter is doubled in Cincinnati.
-Measures distance in minutes.
-Has ever had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.
-Ends sentences with an unnecessary preposition. Example: "Where's
my coat at?"
-Knows what 'pop' is.
-Designs his/her kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
-Knows driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with
I'm just an Ohioan, but hell, at least I'm better than the entire state of Michigan. Man, those people are messed.
One who has residence in Ohio.
"That guy I met in the airport was an Ohioan"
noun, a summer visitor (irregardless of origin) to the Virginia Beach resort area.
I can't find a place to park in the summer cuz of all the Ohioans in town.