What is Old Bridge High School?


quoted by howard stern as "the next columbine"

gets 2 bomb threats a month

known for a riot in 2003

gas leak early 2004

the prinicpals name is Mr. Ferry

kid wakes up and feels like having a delayed openning: "hello operator, tell obhs that a bomb will go off tomorrow, kthnxbye"

See Mike


-A place of Alcoholism, Potheads, E Heads, Shitty Teachers, Bad Lunchs (Maybe not the subs), Sleep, Cutting Class, Constant Hasseling by Authority Figures, and The Most Fights Ever.

A place where you cant go into the bathroom without coming out smelling like a pack of cigarettes./ A place where every girl (If they know of)Mr.Willems sweats him./ A place where there is AT LEAST 1 fight a week./ A place of constant bomb threats and/or riots./ A place where you can walk down the hallways and be asked to buy pot more than once a day./ A place where people walk around with alcohol in there water bottles and drink through out the day./ A place where you can find the hottest chicks./ A place where kids walk down the hallways and smoke cigarettes(Me Class of 03)./ A place where kids cut school and go into the woods and smoke pot./ A place where everyone thought Mr.Korigan took steroids./ A place where you can go to get a good days rest./ Where there was always the ongoing fued between SOB and LHRO./ A place where at least half of the male population at OB wanted to bang Miss Toth./ Mr.Ferry is a dick./ Dr.Bosco and Mr.O'Connell were the best administrators./ In Alt. School you did nothing for 4 hours but smoke cigarettes and talk to your friends./ A place where more than half of your friends had nicknames.


An overcrowded gathering of students due to inaccurate gauging of districts, wherein what was once known as a minority of brown and asian people somehow outnumber the caucasian population. Once noted as the "next Columbine" by Howard Stern, in accordance to the early bomb threats and gas leak scare of school year 2004/2005. Up until the class of 2005 graduated, it was one of the only schools to have two campuses that are two miles apart. The upper-middle class kids all think they're ghetto. Cliques form, but OBHS kids cant relate with the classic groupy classification of high school that you see in the movies. We have groups of all sorts and we hate everyone almost equally. There's still the asians that play DDR, the goth kids that play hackey sack, and the preppy girls that worry about nothing but their appearance, but somehow we manage to get along and tear each other apart at the same time. It's a place of love/hate relationships with everything you come across and a place that you dream of getting out of but never forget once its all over. One of the strangest schools you'll ever stumble into.

this place sucks. its like being back in old bridge high school

See riot, ghetto, crowded


a place where teachers think "ID tags" will do any good...minimum 2 fights a week...crappy bathrooms...overcrowded school

good place to sleep, get in a fight , and screw up


place where brown people outnumber white people

place where drama envelopes entire school

sluts whorebags dumbasses

rule it all

but we are number one

see other definitions


A place that is going to hell.

A place where most people though was an okay place until they got screwed by the system. bomb threats decide when we are/are not having school. the "zero tolerance" policy is a complete lie as most teachers do whatever they want.


place where people should shut the fuck up about because we r amazing nd only some of us our complete dumbasses and all of the authority figures are completely stupid. Home of the hottest girls youll ever meet.

a place where i go to school nd sometimes hate it but will always love my OBHS. OBHS PRIDE!!!!!


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