
What is Oliphaunt?


1) An elephant on steroids

2) Something that looks like a tusked mammal but is actually modeled after an AT-AT

3) A mumak in the language of the Haradrim

4) An "oiliphant" or an "oliphant" to those who can't spell

5) A wonder of Middle Earth, like Elves, that Sam always wanted to see

6) An opponent that, while bigger than Godzilla's left leg, still "only counts as one!"

"Grey as a mouse, Big as a house, Nose like a snake, I make the earth shake..."

See Mercurial


1) Westron (English) name for the Mumak, an elephant or elephant-like monster used in battle by the Haradrim in Lord of the Rings.

2) In Dungeons and Dragons, a larger and more powerful creature similar to an elephant.

The name's just a corruption of "elephant", really.

See Andy


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