
What is Omegabet?


Created after a long night of heavy drinking, to put it simply; The Omegabet is the prodigal successor of the Alphabet. It is the sequel.

The Omegabet will be introduced sometime in the distant future - near the last days of the huamn race. However, the theory itself is sound and supported by both the Quantum Singularity and EPR Paradox theories.

To draw an analogy: The original alphabet, composed of the letters A through Z, run in a straight line. A as the starting point, Z as the end. There is nothing beyond that. (Symbols such as apostrophes do not factor into this.)

The Omegabet, however, is the proverbial Z-axis to the Y and X axis that is the Alphabet. Instead of a line, it is a perfect, two dimensional circle - with a singular brancing line coming from its side. The line is, per se, the 'unknown'. The 'unknown' is what makes the Omegabet the Omegabet. The Omegabet does not use letters, but rather, srettelletters (letters in reverseforward, a word humans cannot yet pronounce) and the last of these - the omega that completes the omegabet, can be anything. A duck. A tree. Individually toed socks. It can be anything. This letter is codenamed Epsillon 5. It's been titled that because it doesn't make sense - along with Epsillon 5. (Epsillon is considered the 'worst' verson of a prototype, while Alpha is the 'best'. Epsillon 5 would mean it's the 5th of the worst, which probably isn't grammatically correct in any way.)

Epsillon 5 works via the EPR Paradox - where information is transferred between atoms, and thus, has nothing to interact with it to constrain it from doing -anything-.

None as of this point in time. It's not possible on an American keyboard.


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