What is Omgodzilla?
A version of 'omg'. Omgodzilla is only used by extremely '1337' computer perosnal only. Developed in 2005.
Noun: The state of being really big, or giant sized.
Expression: To express 'omg' through a more expressive way. Used for special situations.
Noun: That slurpy was OMGODZILLA huge!! I had to hold it with both hands to prevent SPILLAGE!
Expression: OMGODZILLA!!11!1 That was the leetest shit I have ever sawed!
Developed in 2005 by one of the L0ser clique to exaggerate surprise/annoyance/any emotion in general.
A more interesting form of the popular OMG.
Not used by the "1337" regularly.
emo boy 1: "OMGODZIlLA I <3 your myspace so much!"
emo boy 2: "OMGODZILLA it is soo rad!"
forum member: "OMGODZILLA band photos in here"
kid 1: "OMGODZILLA I cannot believe you got an D on your test..."
kid 2: "I know :(. My parents are going to be all 'OMGODZILLA, (kid 2), I'm so angry you didn't study'"
kid 2: "OMGODZILLA I can't believe they'd do that to you!"
scene boy: "I <3 you"
scene girl: "OMGODZILLA, I <3 you too!"