
What is Omgwtfpwnage?


Extreme pwnage, pwnage that was not seen coming, pwnage that will leave the pwnee wondering "WTF JUST HAPPENED!?" in which you will respond. "Pwnage"


GuildAurellio: Did you just two-shot that rogue!?

GuildSiel: Yah my pyroblast and fireblast both crit!

GuildAurellio: Poor guy never stood a chance.

GuildDerrex: Ding! 30!

GuildCaitis: SHUT UP!

See omgwtfpwnage


A severe case of wtfpwnage, usually either making you emit verbal utterance in suprise or finding yourself wtfpwned in a repeated fashion. If you do find yourself repetedly omgwtfpwned you simply loose at life.

I should also be noted that all types of pwnage are effectively a sliding scaled based solely on the one-up-manship of adding ever more abbreviations in front, no doubt at the time of publishing there will be a new term such as omgwtficantbelieveitsnotbutterpwnage .... damn.

Little Timmy was blissfully unaware of the omgwtfpwnage that awaited him when he got home from school as his parents had discovered the comatose hooker in his closet earlier that day.

See omgwtfpwnage, pwned, owned


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