On A Stick

What is On A Stick?


A reply (usually to a rhetorical question), or exclamation, used to describe something excellent.

Ste: What a great night out!

Chris: On a stick!

TheTonester: That curry we had last night was like sex on a stick!

See excellent, cool, great, brilliant, proper, bo


1. special ingredient that makes food at the state fair taste so delicious e.g. peach on a stick, za on a stick, bagel on a stick, creme brulee on a stick, etc.

2. a painful way to die (see death on a stick)

Deep-fried twinkie on a stick is so 2002. What will be the new taste sensation at the fair this year?


An additive to any adjetive, exaggerating the adjective. Everything on a stick is better.

Awesome flute player that brags a lot and has a huge ego: I got second chair

Better flute player (to friend): I got first chair

Friend: That is greatness on a stick!

See stick, awesome, greatness


often used to exaggerate the previous action or state of being. kind of like "uber".

Man, that was coolness on a stick!

i love ice cream, ice cream: on a stick!

See jen


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