What is One Touch, One Bounce?


A game in which a group of people try and keept a football(the spherical type) up in the air. So called because each player is only allowed one touch of the ball until it gets touched by another player. Only one bounce is allowed between touches. If a player touches the ball more than once or lets it bounce more than once, he is Out.

Eventually, one player will be left, and he (or she) is the champion.

A lot of judgement is required as to who is 'out', particularly if it is the 'one bounce' rule that has been broken. Normally the player nearest to the ball is out, unless the ball gets skyed in which case the person who kicked it away is out.

as in footballHands may NOT be used.

Let's go to the field and play One Touch, One Bounce.

See football, ball, foot, game, school


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