Online Gaming

What is Online Gaming?


1. A thing in which the nerds and social rejects of the world come to join one another in the fine arts of accusing someone of being a "FUCKING H4X0R FAG" or saying "I OWN YOU", all while masked by the anonymity that is the internet.

2. An activity in which, should its contents are taken with a grain of salt, can provide endless hours of happiness.

Nothing like firing up some CS:Source and spraying some offensive logos to watch the hardcore gamer's responses.


The downfall of man.

Only faggots play games online and coin stupid terms and think there cool for saying it. Online gaming is pointless.

See gamer, gaming, n00b, gay, losers


Online gaming is the most geeky thing to do in the world, especially when you're on MSN and you're always "away" or "busy" and don't reply to people who try to have a conversation with you. People who do online gaming use terms such as n00b, FTW, pwnage & AFK. Online gaming is exactly the thing to do if you want to become a nerd and waste your days doing basically NOTHING.

Online gamers can be very cute though (after all they're still human beings like the rest of us) that's why my definition sounds so bitter, because I think those people should focus on other things, everything but gaming.

(on msn):

me: hey wassup?

online gamer (20 minutes later): Online gaming

me: oh okay.. I'll shut up then

online gamer: :-)

^^they do that and later on regret it, but they don't realise how stupid and mean they sound at the moment they say it because they're in a trance, caused by playing online games.

See nerd, geeky, online gamer, afk, pwnage


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