Online Speak

What is Online Speak?


(N.) The way to speak in shortcuts on the Internet by using Abbrvietaions. Also goes by some other name, but I don't know what that is right now. Here's an example!

"OMG! It's SMG! I'm like So DIS! I'm just her WBF! Bet she can DNL ADL! Just KJP LOL! Can I HWY? Maybe I should AYB!"

"Oh My God! It's Sarah Michelle Gellar! I'm like So Dipped In Sh*t! I'm just her World's Biggest Fan! Bet she can Do Nights Lovin', All Day Long! Just Kidding, Joking, Playing, Laughing Out Loud! Can I Hang With You? Maybe I should Ask Your Brother!"


How most people speak on Instant Messenger Conversations and chatrooms.

"Hi.Howz U?ASL?wanna cyber?g2g bai."

Translates as: "Hi. How are you? Age, Sex, Location? Do you want to have cybersex? Got To Go, Bye."


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