
What is Oof?


used in hawaii to mean "fuck", "sex", "intercourse"...you get it

last night me and tina went oof. (yeah. it sounds ghetto. but, that's how it's used.)

See Farren


A form of expression used similar to damn, expressing a good feeling but frustration as well.

"oof...that chick is hot"

See Dee


an exclamation to be used in place of a curse word. A word to say when you can't think of anything else.

oof I forgot to do my homework


The sound of which you make when your air is suddenly knocked out of you.

I oofed when she pushed me out of my chair.


Out Of OFFice or Out Of Facility. Used in companies to indicate that an employee will not be in the office at a particular time/day. Commonly used at Microsoft, but also used in other businesses and industries.

"James is OOF on Friday, so let's set the meeting for Thursday afternoon."

See absent, away, awol, audi, out


used to add emphasis to, or augment a sentence. shows dissatisfaction or very basic appreciation, depending on the tone used.

1) mocono doesn't show support, or like our t-shirt designs! oof.

2) does anybody have the notebook for sale? i just need it for very basic appreciation. OOF!

See oof, emphasis, teacup


Yiddish Cockney slang for money, cash.

Got any oof, mate? I'm all out of doshmeself.

See money, cash, dosh, wonga, spondoolicks


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