
What is Oonanist?



A masturbatrix who spills her lady juiceon barren soil, unaided by male intervention.

"Ooh!" exclaimed Oona guiltily, as she brought her clopperkettle bubbling to the boil, "I've done it again, although I promised myself that I wouldn't."

Wiping a droplet of Scotch mist from the nose of her bearded koala, the regretful Oonanist mused: "When a peach is ripe and juicy, it's just sooo tempting to squeeze it - though that, of course, is no excuse."

Draping her dampened spam-garter over the bedside radiator, she set her alarm-clock for an early hour and resolved to attend morning Mass.

See guilt, masturbation, smelter, cloppertunity, doing the necessary, beaver-spit, diy, solo, slug slapper, slipped out, spin-cyclist, beaver-lever, acliteration, palmistry, poutrage, i-to-o, pre-minstrel tension, bb, jackie, chapel peg, joy, Persson


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