What is Oonanist?
Female ONANIST .
A masturbatrix who spills her lady juice on barren soil, unaided by male intervention.
"Ooh!" exclaimed Oona guiltily, as she brought her clopper kettle bubbling to the boil, "I've done it again, although I promised myself that I wouldn't."
Wiping a droplet of Scotch mist from the nose of her bearded koala , the regretful Oonanist mused: "When a peach is ripe and juicy, it's just sooo tempting to squeeze it - though that, of course, is no excuse."
Draping her dampened spam-garter over the bedside radiator, she set her alarm-clock for an early hour and resolved to attend morning Mass.
See guilt , masturbation , smelter , cloppertunity , doing the necessary , beaver-spit , diy , solo , slug slapper , slipped out , spin-cyclist , beaver-lever , acliteration , palmistry , poutrage , i-to-o , pre-minstrel tension , bb , jackie , chapel peg , joy , Persson
"Ooh!" exclaimed Oona guiltily, as she brought her
Wiping a droplet of
Draping her dampened