
What is Opinion?


Contrary to what many people who add 'definitions' here think, Opinion is not the same as Definition. Opinion is the usually biased twisting of facts based on someone's viewpoint. Definition is impartial fact.

Definition: "The USA is a powerful English-speaking country in North America. It's population is approximately 295 million."

Opinion: "The USA is a country full of ignorant, fat rich bastards who exploit poorer countries so that they can munch more burgers and get even fatter"


immunity to being told your wrong

"It's my opinion that I can levitate."

See truthiness, lies, crutch, politics, fact


A thought that is based on one's view of the world. All opinions are true to their holders, but are not always true to others. Despite the insistance of retarded slangdefine users posting their opinions as definitions, no opinion is factual.

Retard: Hey look, I defined everything I like as "god" and everything I hate as "gay"!

Non-Retard: Dude, a dictionary is a collection of DEFINITIONS, not OPINIONS.

Retard then defines Non-Retard as gay.


something that ppl dont ask for on urban dictionary but at the same time, makes urban dictionary a lot more enjoyable.

its funny how all of the real definitions on urban dictionary have bad ratings, but the opinions that a vast majority of ppl agree with have 50+

See definition, example, dictionary, thesaurus, vocabulary


Something that people think matters.


like an asshole everyone has got one

definition:cannibal corpse is a deathmetal that hit the scene in the 1980's

opinion:cannibal corpse is a sell-out band that sucks and has horrible lyrics,all they do is sing about killing people and it get's boring and predictible.and the lead single sounds like the cookie monster.

(not my own opinion just other peoples definition's i've read)

See jj


i dont care. your wrong anyway.

"Opinion is a person's ideas and thoughts towards something. It is an assessment, judgement or evaluation of something."


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