Oral Agreement

What is Oral Agreement?


If you seen the chappelle show it is something like the sex contract, but without an actuall paper document. It's when a girl doesn't want her boyfriend to have sex on spring break so she makes an agreement with him, coming to conclusion they can only have oral sex with other people.

Thow Thow: "did you say something about an oral agreement."

Lawdogg: "Yeah!! It's cool right?"

Thow Thow: (thinking in his head) "This bitch is crazy!!"

Lawdogg: (thinking in her head) "I am gonna get soooo many guys to eat my pussy on springbreak!!!WOO!! '04 '04!!!"

Insane V, Griz and FJ: (Laughing in the background)

Luda: (Strummin off in the background)

Hulk: "RAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Skank Bitches!!!"

Luda: (thinking in his head) "I think i am gonna slip Lawdogg the sleepy slipper!!"


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