
What is Organ?


n. Yet another term for the male member.

My biatchloves to play my organ.


About the only similarity an organ has to a piano is the fact that it is a keyboard instrument. It is in no way similar to or "like" a piano. Jesus Christ.

Piano, organ, same difference. I drink gasoline for breakfast. I am a moron.


1. a large musical instrument similar to a piano.

2. a mass of tissue(a mass of cells) working together for a common goal. multiple organs are parts of systems. ie: digestive system, made up of the organs: esaphogus, stomach, intestine.

1. Holy shit thats an awesome organ!

2. I got some kick-ass organs

See Otto


1) A piano-like instrument, commonly found in churches.

2) A mass of tissue, (No, not Puffs, you dumbass.) bunched together and whatnot. Didn't you pay attention in Life Science?

3) Slang term for a guy's manhood. examples for 1 and 2, but:

"It's nice to have roses on your piano,

but nicer to have tulips on your organ." Where did I hear that? xD

See Leiko


pronounced: OR-gan; like "organic" without the "ic" a subspecies of the population that can be described in no other fashion; these individuals have very strange and specific qualifications; often included in this group are those who shop at Whole Foods, drive Jettas, congregate at Starbucks, have black-rimmed glasses, are vegan, are tree huggers, are feminist, have dreadlocks, make their own clothes, enjoy anything having to do with hemp or henna, write poetry, relate entirely to Alanis Morisette, are obsessed with recycling and conserving energy, and other earthy qualities; as an adjective, can be described as "organic"

"hey Jen, check out that organ."

"freaking organ."

See organ, organic, hippie, tree-hugger, weird, recycle, vegan


1. something in people's bodies that is quite important to them

2. an extremely fun word to say. also can be combined with other words to make a new meaning sort of like whorzinforzinstorzinmorzin

how are u today


See Ichiro


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