
What is Origin?


Origin is a death metalband from Kansasthat is known for being extremely fast and technically complicated.

The best way to scare small children and kill elderly people with heart conditions is to play some Origin cranked up really loud.

See death metal, thrash, speed, metal, headbang


Origin or 'State of Origin' is a 3 match battle between Australian Rugby League's two premier state's; NSW and QLD.

Player's are chosen on a 'state of origin' basis rather than on which state they currently live.

For three matches the gameplay takes sideline to hitups, hardhits and fighting. Many memorable hits have been thrown and sometimes games are so overtaken by fighting and smashing the opposition that a match may end up 2-0. (4 points for a try and 2 points for a goal).


Australain 1: "Let's get a case and get fucked up watching 'origin'."

Australian 2: "Why does Robbie O'Davis play for Newcastle in (NSW), but played origin for Queensland?"

Australian 1: "Coz hes from QLD, that's why they call it 'state of origin'."

See Diego


1. Point (0,0) on the Cartesian plane.

2. An album released by Evanescencein 2000

3. An album released by Borknagarin 2006

4. Where something was before it was here in the present state.

1. The line y = 2x intersects with the origin.

2. Origin is Evanescence's best album.

3. Borknagar's "Origin," albeit quite soft compared to their other works, sounds a lot like a modern Jethro Tull.

4. Where was the origin of that sound?

See math, evanescence, borknagar, viking metal, post-grunge


Name of a rare promotional CD by Evanessence.

On eBay, Origin sells for about $200.


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