
What is Ork?


the variation of "orc" from j.r.r. tolkiens lotr etc, used in the warhammer 40,000 world to blow some space marines up!

the outpost was overrun by greenskins


noun: a hideous creature who prays on asians, harassing them for attention, sex, and deli sandwiches. *when angered, orks have a tendency to dance in their underwear.

nadia, stop being such an ork! leave that poor asian alone!

See orc, nadia, weird, oompa loompa


A synonym to Energy, Lust, Will power, Etc.

"Ork" or "Orka" is the Swedish word for all of the above.... And a lot shorter. An expression within its self.

"i don't have the ork"

Can be used in multiple different ways.

Pronounced like "or" with a "K" at the end of it. Just like the Orc's in Lord of the rings.

Example 1.

Jessica: Daniel do you want to come over and watch a movie?

Daniel: No i don't have the ork to come over.

Example 2.

Mike: John do you want to play football?

John: Na, just don't have the ork.

Example 3.

Anne: Fuck me now!

Marie: My tongue is to tired from this morning and i have been working all day. Orka....

See ork, orka, swedish, slang, energy


The action of Paige getting great pleasure & arousment from a guys pointy nipple.

Nicole took me to the party and this gy there tottaly made be ork with his nipple.

See nipple, pleasure, paige, nicole


Giant dumb green oaf.

Contrary to what films may have you believe, the ork is not a mythical beast, but is anyone who displays extremely uncouth behaviour, i.e. spitting in public, displaying pride at ones bodly excretions, having a blatant disregard for society,laws and acceptable behaviour, or eating ones offspring in public.

Packs of orks congrigate in public areas to intimidate local residents.

Two female Orks were overheard conversing about one of their offspring, one tastefully remarked : "HE CAME OUTTA YOUR CUNT!"

The likely meaning is: "You gave birth to the child in question"

See cunt, ork, dumb, truck


(n.)A variation of "Orc."

That is, a man-sized, mythological monster possesing strength, ugliness, and unpleasant disposition, first coined by J.R.R. Tolkien as a word for goblin in his works _The Lord of the Rings_ and _The Silmarillion_; GOBLIN


to ruin; to "mess up" or "screw up" something

"Man, I really orked up on the test last period."


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