
What is Orr?


A surname derived from "MacGregor."

Rhymes with everything.

"You're such an 'Orr'-monger"

See orr, mcgregor, surname, irish, scottish, or


wearing a monday night football shirt on a monday

He decided to pull an orr today for the big game tonight.

See or, orr


First syllable in an exagerrated use of the word orgasm when uttered.

"I just have to look at Michael and I know I'll have the most incredible, earth shattering, floor-flooding orr-gasm" Nicole said to an whooping and cheering assembly of the W.I., who then burst into a spontaneous ten minute standing ovation.


v. tr.

The absolute gayest something could be at any given point. Other interpretations can stray anywhere from "infinitely gay" to " Blowing Richard Simmons in a port-a-poty at an Elton John concert."

i.e. That was the orrest thing schyler ever did


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