Orthodox Brothers

What is Orthodox Brothers?


These quotes by both Serbian and Greek representatives speak for themselves:

Former Foreign Minister George Andreas Papandreou, 15 March 2003, Belgrade:

"As a Greek I swear eternal friendship with the Serb people."

HRH Crown Princess Katherine, 18 December 2004:

"We have more in common than differences. The Greek people stood by our side more than any other nation. Up there we do not say the Greeks, we say our brothers. Whatever happens here – let's hope the time will never come – they will be by your side in no time. They are yours. You have won their brotherhood."

Bishop Nicolas of Sarajevo, Cyprus in July 1994 (20th anniversary of the Turkish invasion):

"We, the Serbs, are blessed to have God in heaven and Hellenes on earth. You the Hellenes have us Serbs as your friends. We will continue the struggle you undertook in 1974 against the Muslims until Constantinople becomes a centre for Orthodoxy." -

Former Prime Minister Konstantinos Mitsotakis Mitsotakis

"The Serbs are our true friends ..."

greeks and serbs = orthodox brothers



See greece, serbia, orthodox brothers, united, we, stand


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