What is Osb?
Pet Name given to one EuroSex male that rocks my boat.
OSB, come here and let me pull you from behind and never let go!!!
Oh Shit Bro or Oh Shit Brother or Oh Shit Boy or Oh Shit Bitch- This phrase can be used several ways and change meaning depending on the situation. It could be from some exciting event or a close call. Could also be used in place of OMG for those guys who are fed up with this phrase (too feminine). OSB is a little more masculine. Usually used at the beginning of a sentence to show excitement.
OSB, that was a close call!
OSB, did you see that!?
WTF!? OSB, you have got to be kidding me! I do not believe it!
OSB, someone stole my car!
An "over sized baby"
An adult who looks and behaves like an oversized baby. One who exudes OSBisms, that is, the characteristics of an infant.
George Dawes in Shooting Stars.
Many examples of OSBs are apparent in todays workplace. See gibbering fatty OSBs with no hair and shiny heads, that babble and whine all day. Fuelled on sugar and coke these sloths portray the characteristic behaviour of an oversized baby (OSB).
old sonny bastard, copyrighted by me - osb in the year of 1993 when i met my wife, the internet.
look it's the motherfucking osb! me!
Other Sports Becon, used to describe a person trying to do a sport but hopelessly sucking at it. Someone who is so painfully bad at a specific sports activity that its not even funny to watch.
That guy totally sucks at snowboarding. OSB.
Resembling or of the nature of a god or God; divine.
That boy is osb.
when something comes out of nowhere to take you "one step beyond"
I was just talking to this chick, enjoying my drink, and all of a sudden she grabs my fingers and shoved them in her twat!?!?!