
What is Otherkin?


n., sing. or pl. A person who holds the belief that they are not entirely (or not at all) human. Usually a spiritual belief pertaining to one's soul and the reincarnation thereof, but may also be a belief that one's genetics are descended from, for example, the Irish fae. The word Otherkin was coined to describe people who felt a connection to mythological humanoids such as elves and faeries, but has expanded in recent years to include dragons, gryphons/griffins and other supposedly mythical beasts as well as animals, angelic/demonic beings (angelkin/demonkin) and in some cases extraterrestrials.

adj. Of or relating to Otherkin.

See also therianthrope, were.

1. Many Otherkin believe that they were something other than human in a past life.

2. The Otherkin gathering will be held next week.


Otherkin are a fringe group of human society who, for one reason or another, believe themselves to be the reincarnation of mythic creatures, typically elves, though others include dragons, demons, vampires, ogres, deities, and so on. Related groups include therianthropes, who believe themselves reincarnations of animal souls, and otakin/otakukin, people who think they are reincarnations of fictitious characters from Japanese anime, manga, and video games.

Otherkin often find themselves the subject of ridicule. In the majority of cases, it is because their beliefs fly in the face of rational, critical thinking and tend to fall apart very quickly under hard scrutiny. One of the most common beliefs is of an Elven Holocaust in which humankind supposedly wiped the elves from the Earth, despite the fact that no such evidence, archaeological or otherwise, exists anywhere in the geologic record either for the supposed holocaust, let alone the existence of elves.

Other aspects common to Otherkin belief include a sense of superiority over their fellow human beings. This takes a variety of forms, such as a tendency to ascribe positive aspects of the human personality as something only unique to Otherkin. "Mundanes", the rest of humanity who do not share their beliefs or are simply unaware of them, are looked down upon as inferior brutes.

Otherkin often exhibit certain personality traits common to dissociative disorders and manic depression. This includes what are known as grandiose, persecutory, and religious delusions.

This combination makes them very unpopular.

The Otherkin claimed to be the reborn soul of an elf slain eons ago by marauding humans, only to be looked at askance by the rest of his classmates who went back to eating their lunch.

See otherkin, delusions, dragons, vampires, elves, otakin, otakukin


The otherkin are a group of people who believe their soul originated as something other than human. The source of that origin as as varied as the individuals themselves. These can range from creatures of various mythologies. (i.e, faeries, dragons, vampires, etc.) to figures of more conventional spiritual beliefs. (i.e. Angels, Demons.) as well as but not limited to these and even more fanciful types. (i.e, Starseeds, extra-terrestrials, or any other variety.) The explosion of Otherkin groups and the spread of this belief is due in no small part with the accessibility of the Internet, allowing these groups to congregate and exchange ideas. Though the idea itself predates this media by a considerable number of years.

Each of these Otherkin types undergoes a process that is often called an Awakening. This awakening, according to several Otherkin sources is a process that brings about a spiritual transformation of the individual, taking them from their "Mundane" life and connecting, or in some cases reconnecting them with their "Other" selves and all of the attributes associated with it.

It is much debated as to the substance of this sub-cultures belief, as well as the mental stability of those who hold this belief. Often pro and anti Otherkin debates degenerate into namecalling matches with animosity on both sides.

Having listened to the different sides of the argument I can see valid points from both camps. The truth of the matter is this: It all comes down to what you believe. Belief, no matter how odd it may appear to any one else is strictly a matter of faith. The right to believe whatever you wish is just that. A right. If boiled down to its lowest common denominator, to denounce that which otherkin believe is to in essence denounce all faith. Why is it any harder to believe this person may be or have been an elf than it is to believe.. Oh say.. Some Jewish Carpenter returned from the dead? Or that some prophet moved a Mountain? Or even that a sea parted so slaves might escape Egypt? All faith defies logical reason. All of it. The use of any sweepingly general term is a poor practice, nor can a whole group be classified by the behavior of a select few. For example: Not all Germans are Nazis. This is not to say that some of these people don't have a mental illness associated with delusion or what not.. But to assume that everyone who has this belief is insane would be a gross misrepresentation. Generally one does not think a Christian crazy even though a ressurection, that claims of Christ's divinity cannot be proven. Nor should these people be unless the same yardstick is used to measure everyone.

There are several websites devoted to Otherkin.

The Otherkin hold controversial spiritual beliefs.

See therian, otakukin, otherkin, faery


Otherkin are an unfortunate group of incredibly deluded souls that believe they currently are or at one point were nonhuman entities. An otherkin might believe they are anything from a vampire to a dragon to an elf to an angel, though more obscure creatures are possible (griffons, succubi, etc). It is also possible to be a mixture of two or more of these creatures, in the instance that you believe referring to yourself as a werewolf or angel is too limiting. Why not be a werewolf angel? Or a dragon vampire elf? The sky's the limit when you're just making shit up. They are extremely defensive, and if you don't believe them, it's obviously because you're a "mundane" who doesn't get it. I've met several otherkin, and I can safely say each one of them was an unwashed jackass.

note: Not to be confused with a furry, though they both communities are fairly closeknit.

note2: White Wolf roleplaying games and the god damn internet are largely to thank for their existance.

Becca believed she was a half-fey/half-dragon. Fey are mythologically known for their grace and beauty. Dragons are known for majesty and charm. Becca weighed 300 lbs.

"D," as he liked to be called, believed he was a half-angel/half-demon. He said "D" stood for "The Demon," cause in high school, he had a different lady in bed every night. This claim is rather dubious, as he was missing teeth.

Ray believed he was a vampire hunting werewolf. He would go out to hunt and kill them on the suburban cul de sac he lived on. He has slain the vampire Lestat (of Anne Ricenovel fame) no less than three times. Point of interest: Ray also wore a girdle.


"Otherkin" is not a proper noun, although it is sometimes capitalised.

An otherkin is a person in a human body who either:

A) Believes that, mentally and/or "spiritually," they are not human;

B) Believes that, in a past life, they were not physically human;

C) Believes that they are a human vampire who needs a supply of energy to remain healthy.

My friend is an otherkin.

Many slangdefine users hate otherkin.

Examples of otherkin are therianthropes, psi vampires, sanguinarians, Elenari, and angelkin.


Those individuals who believe that although born human, their souls are those of a non-human being, animal or mythical creature. Many believe that they are reincarnations of such beings and are able to access memories of previous lives.

The movement is the source of much controversy, ranging form philisophical/intelectual and spiritual debate to mud-slinging, derision and name calling. Some 'kin are happy to lead what the great majority of people would describe as "normal" lives, finding solace, support and companionship amongst their fellows, free to explore the nature of their seemingly paradoxial existance. While others may appear eccentric, arrogant or insane to the bulk of the populace. It must be noted that as with all groups, organisations or belief systems the actions of a few can lead to a negative perception of the group as a whole in the eyes of others.Indeed some Otherkin view themselves as superior to "mundane" humans, blaming the modern ills of society and the world as a whole on humanity.

Believing themselves to at least partly inhuman. Otherkin are oft treated with hostillity.

See otherkin, fae


Otherkin are a fringe group of human society who, for one reason or another, believe themselves to be the reincarnation of mythic creatures, typically elves, though others include dragons, vampires, demons, angels, ogres, giantsand so on. A related group is otakin or otakukin, who believe they are reincarnations of characters from Japanese anime, manga, and related computer & video games.

Otherkin often find themselves the subject of ridicule. In the majority of cases, it is because their beliefs fly in the face of logic and science and tend to fall apart very quickly under hard scrutiny. One of the most common beliefs is of an Elven Holocaust in which humankind supposedly wiped the elves from the Earth, despite the fact that no such evidence, archaeological or otherwise, exists anywhere in the geologic record.

Other aspects common to Otherkin belief include a sense of superiority over their fellow human beings. This takes a variety of forms, such as a tendency to ascribe positive aspects of the human personality as something only unique to Otherkin. "Mundanes", the rest of humanity who do not share their beliefs or are simply unaware of them, are looked down upon as inferior brutes.

This combination makes Otherkin very unpopular.

The Otherkin claimed to be the reborn soul of an elf slain eons ago by marauding humans, only to be looked at askance by the rest of his classmates who went back to eating their lunch.

See otherkin, delusion, otakin, otakukin, elf, dragon, vampire


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