What is Ouner?
The french verb for 'To own', like
Present tense
Je oune - I owned
Tu ounes - You owned
Il oune - He owned
Elle oune - She owned
Nous ounons - We owned
Vous ounez - They/You owned ('You' when adressing a stranger)
Ils ounent - Those guys owned
Elles ounent - Those girls owned
Past tense, conjugated with Avoir (To have)
J'ai ouné(e) - I have owned
Tu as ouné - You have owned
Il a ouné - He has owned
Elle a ounée - She has owned
Nous avons ounés - We have owned
Vouz avez ouné - They(You) have owned
Ils ont ounés - Those guys have owned
Elles ont ounées - Those girls have owned
J'ai t'ouné - I owned you!