What is Out Like A Boner In Sweatpants?
Embellishment of the word "out." This phrase is appropriate to use whenever simply saying "out" is too boring. This may be most often used as an away message on AOL Instant Messenger. The phrase can, however, find use within other contexts.
There are several variations of this phrase, including:
out like a fat kid in dodgeball
out like a blind kid in musical chairs
out like Janet Jackson's right nipple
out like a white guy in a jumping contest
out like handicap parking at the special olympics
out like your mom in a beauty pageant
out like a midget in a dunk contest
out like Helen Keller in hide-and-go-seek
off like heads in the French Revolution
off like a prom dress
The goal of such phrases is to be shocking, crude, or disrespectful in some way in the embellishment of the word.
We're goin' to the bars, so I'm out like a boner in sweatpants.