
What is Over?


Descriptive of one's certian level of intoxication; pertaining to any type of mind/mood altering substance used in excess.

"I've been waiting at this damn intersection for 10 minutes waiting for the stop sign to turn green...I'm so over."

"Dude if I smoke anymore I'll be way over"

**If you've lost the ablity to focus with both eyes open and/or are using the one-eyed-willie method simply to know who you're looking at, you're over.



1. well-known, exposed, garnering attention

Joe brags to get himself over.


Completely UNFRESH!

See Rusty


Passé. Outmoded. Shopworn. Stale. No longer fashionable or trendy.

Did you see the feathered hairdo on that girl? My God, that look is so over!

Yes, I used to love that TV show, but now I'm really over it.

See style, fashion, faux-pas


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