
What is P4?


Pentium 4. Intels latest CPU chip. Based on the NetBurst architecture, this CPU has an extremely long pipeline so it can reach very hight clock speeds. Speeds started at 1.4 GHz at introduction and are now at 3.8 GHz. The chip has gone through 3 major revisions in chronological order: Willamette, Northwood and Prescott.

Fairly quick, but not as quick as its GHz rating would suggest. Runs very hot due to its extreme clock speed.

From the honest PC salesman: The Athlon 64 running at 2.4 GHz is faster than the P4 at 3.2 GHz in most programs. The Athlon puts out much less heat too.


overpriced chip from intel

"dude you're getting a P4??? what a waste of money... too bad u didnt get an athlon"


Latest chip from Intel

I just spent 500$ on my p4... and my car payment is due... phuck it, i'll walk to work... it's worth the pr0n

See bobbacringo


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