
What is Padawan?


1A Jedi pupil or student, or broadly used as anyone that is learning

2A nickname used, often demeaningly, on someone trying to be as good as you are.

You're learning well, padawan

Someone: Distributor? That's the thing with wires coming out of it right?

Sometwo: Very good, young padawan, but you still have much to learn.


A "Jedi" pupil, even with great skills he still needs to learn the Jedi secrets. Also used by teachers to look down on pupils.

Come, Padawan.

Do this, Padawan.

You're skills have improved, Padawan.


A Jedi apprentice, assigned to accompany a Jedi Knight while learning the ways of the Force. Similar to a journeyman in a feudal guild.

Anakin Skywalker became Obi-Wan Kenobi's Padawan learner, even though Obi-Wan had only just become a full Jedi Knight.

See Andy


A Jedistudent. They are past the first part of their Jedi training and are now apprentices to other Jedi masters. They have exceptional skills, to become powerful and great. So Padawans are also called 'My apprentice' by their masters. Or 'My Padawan'

Padawans have small plaits in their hair. This is a good way to spot them. Very cute.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: What took you so long?

Anakin: Well, you know, Master, I couldn't find a speeder that I really liked...

Anakin: ...with an open cockpit and the right speed capabilities.

Obi-Wan: If you spent as much time practicing your saber techniques as you did your wit, you'd rival Master Yoda as a swordsman.

Anakin: I thought I already did.

Obi-Wan: Only in your mind, my very young apprentice.


See jedi, anakin, star wars


A student of the force. A learned youngin. One that has the ability to posses great power, but has yet to achive all knowledge of the force. One who wants to know more.

Until you are the master of masters, you are all someones padawan.

You are learning well my young padawan

Teach you I can not young padawan.

Too old to teach you are young padawan.


apprentice, student, person-in-training.

Someone that needs to be schooled.

Not knowledgeable.

An insult to someone who claims to know more than you.

The one like the SJB is a padawan. Even Jar-Jar knows more than SJB.


Padawan = Star wars apprentice, also used for n00b.

indeed padawan!

Stfu my padawan!

You have improved, padawan

See Simon


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