What is Paddies?
A group of tightwad PAD members that resist the urge to conform to society's standards. IE. sleep, courtesy, and overall friendliness.
ROOM MATE #1: "Damnit, it's those Paddies again..."
ROOM MATE #2: "Yea, they're here all the fuckin time..."
PAD #1 "Shut Up, Bitch!"
ROOM MATE #2: "Looks like someone's being a Crabby Paddy..."
STORY: Those PAD members like to invade the space of room mates and tell the nicest guy across the hall to shut up on occasion. Then, they wake other people up, (who actually live in the room) and freeload off of the bed and room space to finish a quiz at 2AM and then have a gigantic orgy at 3AM.
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Used as "Go fuck yourself!"
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