
What is Paintball?


one of the best sports ever made.

Paintball rules all .


It happens on a random Monday, coming back from an event. Or late on a Sunday night, right before you get on the plane and you're about to be frisked for the third time. You're driving, you're flying, you're sitting in an airport seat with boys from the team. You're drinking stale coffee, trying to stay awake. You're explaining the fat welt on the side of your neck to a confused stranger or a best friend, or running through the sidewalks of LAX, trying to catch a plane. You're coming back to the other life... the one without paintball, where no one understands why you do it. You're tired, you're working off little sleep, the question creeps up and you try to ignore it. Why do I do this? Why the travel, why the losses, the missed work, the missed school, hours of practice, and the complaining girlfriend? Because the lure of living a paintball life is just too potent. And the products of the road, the travel, are memories forever, and trips, and strange lands with stranger people, At tournaments it feels like, for once, you actually get to live as loud as you want. It's worth the sacrifices, it's worth all the bullshit. Because if you work hard enough, a Sunday will roll around, and you'll be in the huddle, screaming, with your hand in, one among ten, playing for the world title, and suddenly all those clichés you ever heard make sense. And you are defined. You say it to yourself and it means everything. I am a paintball player. And this moment right here, is my life.

-Matty Marshall

Paintball is a way of life.


The best sport there is, You basicly hail each other with paint. the guy who said this is a stupid sport can go blow a cow for all I care.

Go play paintball... now.


A sport that mixes hide and seek with capture the flag, except you "seek" with a paintball marker. Un-known to some people, paintball is not just a sport for spoiled rich adolecents. Anybody can play, regardless of skill, gender, and race. Although it does not come close to real warfare, it is a fun sport in which everybody has fun.

Anybody who compares paintball to the armed forces is a retard and have probably not played paintball.


The best sport ever invented. Although only around since about 86' it is the 3rd top extreme sport in the world, being only overcome by rollerblading and skatboarding. Top players include Chris LaSoya and Oliver Lang.

"I'm not a malicious person, but the feeling you get from shooting someone with a paintball is beyond words"

~Oliver Lang

"I go out there to shoot people and to win"

~Chris LaSoya


does not shoot 550fps it shoots 300fps you fucking moron

paintball is the best sport invented

See Bob



a sport by many people, and known by ALMOST All

it is a growing sport that among the easiest and funnest to play

it IS NOTTTT, i repeat NOTT, for just rich kids, for those of us who think it is some rich fucks, ppl of all ages and all races and ALL types of income can play the game.

it is one of the safest sports when played right and reffed right.

people can play at all types of levels in all type of game play,it is even used in training

so for all of those douche fuck who think it isnt anythign like what i said, well then go play for day and will say " shit, im a dumbass, that kid was right, this was fun and really cheap.

ALL of my friends own a paintball marker..

EVERYONE that i kno knows about piantball

See LG


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