
What is Pakalolo?


hawaiian word for marijuana

Someone stay smoking the pakalolo

See KC


marijuana (hawaiian kine word)

we going go get high of da pakalolo braddah. you like try come?

See E


hawaiian word for pot

smoke some pakalolo


paka- tobacco

lolo-numbing,crazy/wacky. Also one who is so.

common term for marijuana in Hawaii

Who is the lolo who stole my pakalolo?


'Paka' meaning tobacco or smoke

'Lolo' meaning crazy

Hawaiian slang for marijuana or weed.

"I lit the pakalolo, and I said Mahalo"

words of Ziggy Marley

See marijuana, weed, pot, herb, ganja, Private Ryan


Hawaiian word for marijuana.

Have you payed your dues to the Hawaiian Pakalolo Growers Union yet?

See marijuana, pot, weed, mary jane, ganja, smoke


Da kine plant grow on da leeward side da island.

Pakalolo in da kulolo brok da mout.

See Makena


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